News from over the Summer

We have had a very busy summer here at Aerobility, attending various events and airshows, spreading the word about Aerobility. We have also taken advantage of the glorious British Summer and had lots of opportunity to go flying. We are looking forward to the last few days of sunshine before Autumn appears!

Bristol International Balloon Fiesta

Operations Manager Brian recently attended the Bristol Balloon festival where, with the help of Aerobility Ambassador Brian Jones, he was able to present the idea of Ballooning for disabled people to the media and a large contingent of disabled visitors to the festival.

Manager Brian was also able to enjoy an early morning flight with Brian Jones on what proved to be the best session for flying of the entire festival.
As Brian says “Attending the Festival was not only an ideal way to promote this aspect of Aerobility service to the disabled community, but also enabled us to meet old friends and make new ones from the balloon family”.

Anyone interested in Ballooning should contact Operations at Blackbushe.

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