"Flight! Camera! Action!"

Some of you may remember a little fly-over we did in Summer 2012...? Mike Miller-Smith will be speaking about the project at the Museum of Army Flying, and below is a press release with more details..

‘Flight! Camera! Action! Episode Two; Flying Heroes; a behind the scenes look at the opening ceremony of the Paralympics.
 Free Presentation at the Museum of Army Flying

Following the sell-out success of Episode One of our Olympic series of presentations the Museum of Army Flying, in association with Aerobility and Help for Heroes, is pleased to announce a second installment focusing on the incredible story of injured servicemen in the air. The presentation will take place at the Museum on the 12th February at 7pm and is free to enjoy by all. Places are limited so please book a space through the museum website www.army.flying.com.

Well-known local Army Aviator George Bacon has, through his close connections with Aerobility and Help for Heroes, brought together a fascinating presentation which tells the incredible story of triumph over adversity. The programme, which will be in two parts, will focus upon the work that Aerobility undertook in preparing a wounded serviceman, with no previous flying experience, to open the Paralympics with a pyrotechnic aircraft at night. The second half will look more closely at the work of Help for Heroes in preparing our Paralympian serviceman for the games.  

Representing Aerobility and talking about the challenges they had to overcome will be Mike Miller-Smith the CEO of the charity and Guy Westgate of GliderFX, the mastermind behind the development of night air pyrotechnic displays in the UK. There will also be a representative from Help for Heroes giving us a fascinating insight into the road to recovery and preparation of our Paralympian ex-soldiers. We hope that representative from both the Cockpit and the Games will be present providing a chance to for you to engage with the team. 

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