Prize Giving: 13th July 2013

At this month's Members' Day, we were very pleased to present our annual prizes. 2012 was a fantastic year for Aerobility, with high profile events, large scale fundraisers and successful partnerships helping to provide stability and growth for the charity. There were also many personal achievements by our members, which were the result of hard work and dedication.

Below, is a list of the winners for 2012 - a huge congratulations to them all!

The Aviator Shield: awarded for most meritorious achievement by an Aerobility member

Mary Doyle
Richard Deakin presenting Mary Doyle with The Aviator Shield

The Mick Kirk Award: awarded the most supportive member of Aerobility

Simon Waterfall

Paul Winstanley collecting The Mick Kirk Award on behalf of Simon Waterfall

The Jim Parkinson Trophy: awarded to the most supportive organisation

Prospect ATCO's Branch

Chris Edwards collecting The Jim Parkinson Trophy on behalf of the Prospect ATCO's Branch

We were also very pleased to present a new award to an exceptional individual. The Outstanding Support of Aerobility Award was present to Richard Deakin, CEO of NATs for all his efforts in making the NATs and Prospect ATCO's Branch partnership with Aerobility such a success.

Richard Deakin with Aerobility Chairman Shona Bowman

A big thank you to all of those who have contributed to the ongoing success of Aerobility over the last 12 months - lets keep the good work going in 2013!

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