Worth the Wait?
Hello to all of our Aerobility members, supporters and
Firstly, we'd like to thank you for coming back to
check out the promised update. We hope it will prove to be worth the wait! 2013
has already been a fantastic year for Aerobility, and below is just a sample of
the great activities and achievements of the past couple of months.
‘boring’ bit….
Undoubtedly the most important change so far this year
is our recent incorporation. As Aerobility has grown and developed so
significantly over the past few years, it became necessary to take this step to
ensure our future growth and development could continue with the same success.
As a result of our incorporation, we have a new charity
number and bank account and so have had to ask our members to re-register with
us. If you have had a letter and haven’t got round to sending it back, make
sure you do otherwise you will no longer be a member of the amazing Aerobility
family. Any questions about this process can be answered by the Aerobility team
at Blackbushe, so if you would like to renew your membership or start a new
membership, get in touch and we will send you the application form.
With that bit of admin over, we can get down to the
stuff I know we’re all really interested in – flying! It’s been a busy year so
far for our operations team, with trial flights introducing new aviators to the
joy of flying, and membership flights bringing the experienced aviators back for
more. With the weather starting to pick up, we’re expecting to get even busier
through the spring months, so make sure you get in on the action and book your
slots now!
We have been working hard to get
our ‘Robo’ hoist in tip-top shape. Thanks to long standing friend of
Aerobility, Andy Snowdon, who braved the wind and snow to reach us, the mighty
‘Robo’ hoist has recently undergone an extensive refurbishment. The equipment, which is used extensively at
Blackbushe to hoist flyers into our aircraft, is at the forefront of the
enabling technology that we use to ensure flying is available to people with an
extensive range of impairments.
back on the ground…
Working hard on the ground is essential to reach the
dizzy heights of your very own PPL, as James Brown and his Ground School
students have found out. James has been holding ground school classes for
members every Friday, and luckily his sense of fun has made the mixture of Nav
and Air Law almost bearable for his dedicated students. If you’d like to become
involved in these fun-filled Fridays, get in touch with James at Blackbushe to
secure your place.
Whilst you would be forgiven for thinking that we
would have to get off the ground to go flying, in fact we can now do that from
the comfort of the office at Blackbushe. The PA-28 Flight Simulator that we
purchased after the success of the Global Flight Simulator Challenge is a
fantastic tool and we have been putting it to a lot of good use!
For many of our students, the simulator is providing a
low-cost training tool as a step towards solo flying and eventually a PPL.
However, it is also a great focus for sessions that we have been running for
children and young adults with learning disabilities. With the ability to set
the simulator to a range of exciting and challenging runways across the world,
we really have been broadening horizons! The benefit of the simulator has been
recognised by many important figures across the Learning Disability community,
and the result of this has been successful funding from Hampshire County
Council to run Aviation Experiences for Young Adults throughout March. We’ll
keep you posted on the success of these sessions!
the word…
Aerobility Chief Executive, Mike Miller-Smith, was
accompanied by Aerobility volunteers George Bacon and Guy Westgate to the
recent European Airshow Convention in Antwerp. The subject of the day was
‘risk’ – how to identify it, how to manage it, how to minimise it. So of
course, a presentation on Aerobility’s unique Paralympic project was the
perfect topic to shake things up a little.
As if we would expect anything less from such an
accomplished bunch, the presentation received a rousing standing ovation and
was hailed as the highlight of the convention. It was a great platform to
continue challenging perceptions and establishing ourselves in the aviation
sad goodbye…
This February, we had to say goodbye to our trusty
PA-28 Cherokee Warrior, G-BRFM, who has served us well and moved on to fly new
skies. Although it was a sad moment for the Aerobility team, a gradual modernisation
of our fleet will bring a range of benefits to the membership. Watch this space!
a welcome...
Geri Burton was introduced to Aerobility as a carer
for Aerobility CEO Mike Miller-Smith, and quickly became part of the team and
has been bitten by the Aerobility bug. Geri has a background in the voluntary
sector and has been running charity projects in Africa. Having volunteered for Aerobility
for the last 6 months and doing some great work, Geri is now responsible for
helping to develop Aerobility services for all disabilities along with
supporting our fundraising projects. Welcome to the team Geri.
and out…
For now, consider yourself fully updated on all things
Aerobility. Keep an eye out for more updates as they happen – we’ve got some
big plans!
Fingers crossed for an improvement in the weather this
weekend so we can get a few flying hours in!
Happy Landings,
The Aerobility Team