Wing Walk 2025

The Challenge

Strap yourself to the top of a world-famous Boeing Stearman and take to the skies; there is no experience quite like it!

The Details

Date: 19th June 2025

Where: RFC Rendcomb Airfield, The Whiteway, Cirencester, GL7 7DF

With: Go Wingwalking - UK Wingwalking Experiences

Fundraising: We ask that you commit to fundraise a minimum of £500 in addition to the registration fee

You may fly if you are:

  • 18 years old or over (no maximum age applies).

  • No taller than 6ft 2” / 188cm.

  • No shorter than 4ft / 121.92cm.

  • No heavier than 14st / 89kg.

  • Have a waist measurement including layers of warm clothing and a jacket of no more than 40 inches/102cm.

  • Are able to climb completely unassisted up to and down from the top wing of one of our Boeing Super Stearman biplanes. This is a steep climb of approximately 10ft/3m, involving a high leg lift up on to the bottom wing (however we do have purpose built steps to assist if required) and another high leg lift to get over the side of the cockpit, kneeling and pulling yourself up using the various struts and wires to get on to the top wing.

  • Are able to withstand the strong wind pressures experienced while flying at speeds of up to 120mph.

  • You have not suffered from any of the following conditions: Epilepsy, fits, severe head injury, recurrent blackouts, fainting fits or giddiness, disease of the brain or nervous system, high blood pressure, heart or lung disease, recurrent weakness or dislocation of any limb, diabetes, mental illness, drug or alcohol addiction. If you suffer from these conditions but are regularly monitored by your doctor and the condition is medicated and under control, then you can fly with us. If you have any concerns at all regarding your health, fitness and ability to wingwalk, then we ask that you consult your doctor.

Before flying, all participants must undergo a Safety Briefing and thereafter complete a ‘Safety Standard Acknowledgement, Next of Kin, Self-Certifying & Indemnity Form’.

The flight(s) do not meet the Commercial Air Transport (CAT) or Public Transport (PT) standards. The risks associated with this flight are significantly higher than the risks associated with CAT or PT. There is a significantly higher risk of injury or death. These risks are clearly identified in our Safety Briefing so each person undertaking the flight(s) is able to make a fully informed decision whether or not to accept these risks.

Book your wing walk in 2 easy steps





“Insane, absolutely incredible. You feel like you’re actually flying yourself!

- Rebekah, previous Wing Walker



The Team

Aerobility is partnered with AeroSuperBatics, who you may know better previously as the Breitling Wingwalkers. Having been in the wing-walking business for over 30 years and with a 100% safety record, they are considered the world’s most established and experienced wing-walking team. 

You will be flown by one of our wing-walking display pilots, who will take you to the skies on the top wing of one of their Boeing Stearman biplanes. You will experience an exhilarating series of flypasts, zoom climbs, steep dives and banks in front of the family and friends you bring along on the day. 


How you’re helping

By taking part in this challenge you are helping support disabled aviation and people like 16 year old Sammy.

“Back in 2018 I started suffering from anxiety and depression but what really saw me through was my passion for aviation.

Taking off on your first flight is an exhilarating moment and the escapism that you feel from anything that's going on back on the ground is immense.”

Thanks to all our fantastic fundraisers and supporters he is now training for his PPL and has his sights set on becoming a commercial pilot after he completes college.


My first solo flight was an incredible moment that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

- Sammy Austen-Jones

Aerobility Flyer and PPL Student



If you get the opportunity to fly with Aerobility, whether it be through the VAE, a scholarship or a simulator session, I would really advise taking up the opportunity; it's such an incredible experience that you'll never forget.”


If you have any queries please email us at