Meet Trish


Since joining Aerobility in 2005 Trish has been an enthusiastic volunteer and has been able to take to the sky once or twice a year.
Trish is 62 years old and lives with Arthritis, Crohn's, Colitis, IBS and COPD. These conditions have had a huge impact on both Trish’s mobility and state of mind.

My first ever flight was in the RAF with a glider at Bicester in 1987, then I got hooked on flying. Unfortunately I had a Major Back operation, I could not continue my dream because the parachute restricted my movements as it caused too much strain on my back, So it put the Kibosh on that. My inspiration was through gliding. My first ever flight on a fixed wing was in 2005 at Goodwood after receiving a flying scholarship from FSD (Now called FSDP). At the same time I was introduced to BDFA which is now called Aerobility. I took the opportunity to fly and volunteer with Aerobility once or twice every year until now. My philosophy in life is no problems only solutions. 

I love being a member of Aerobility both flying and volunteering. It's great to be involved with like minded people, which I class as my extended family. Being involved was something to look forward to every year, giving me an incentive and motivation to succeed with my favourite hobby. Instead of just existing, it made me feel alive. Now I get to spend even more time in the air and follow my dream to fly solo.

I have no fears about flying, if anything it gives me great pleasure, confidence, well being, freedom and self worth. It takes me to another dimension of reality that I am worthy and capable of achieving something positive in my life.

I can’t wait to go solo and be able to go on tour with Aerobility without having to take up the valuable time of an instructor. Doing that would give them more time to attend to other students who want to learn how to fly. It will be a great opportunity to have continuity with flying and maybe even gain my Private Pilot Licence.

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