Space Shuttle Team to join the International
Prepare for the virtual ride of your life. Topping off the incredible International Armchair Airshow line up of live pilot interviews, never seen before air-display and in-cockpit footage, is a trip into space with the Space Shuttle!
On the 20th June at 2pm, on YouTube live, The Armchair Airshow will host Shuttle Commander, Chris Ferguson and NASA Launch Director, Mike Leinbach.
Ferguson will talk about what it’s like to fly at five miles a second, dock with the International Space Station and sit in the cockpit of a shuttle weighing 2200 tonnes at launch, but only 100 tonnes for landing.
Leinbach, Launch Director for NASA between 2000 and 2011, received a number of awards - including NASA’s Exceptional Service Medal, NASA’s Medal for Outstanding Leadership and the Presidential Rank Award for exceptional long-term accomplishments, will discuss working for NASA.
This is an absolute must-see for all space fans, an exclusive peak inside the world of NASA!