Geoff Spink

Geoff comes from an RAF family with both his mother and father serving overseas in World War II. This perhaps fostered his fascination with everything aeronautical, something that Geoff always ruled out pursuing on account of his severely impaired vision. Geoff instead pursued a career in journalism and spent the bulk of his working life at the BBC.

Geoff’s first encounter with Aerobility was as a BBC journalist at the Mobility Roadshow at Kemble Airfield. He was offered a short flight with Aerobility which he was only too happy to accept.

In 2022, Geoff completed Aerobility’s Virtual Aviation Experience (VAE) before applying for a flying scholarship after being asked why he hadn’t flown for real by his VAE instructor. A short time later Geoff was successful in applying for a five hour flying scholarship with the charity.

Since his scholarship Geoff has continued flying. He is aware that he will never pass a medical but is determined to reach a standard where he can fly without the instructor giving prompts or intervening, essentially as a safety pilot. He is also keen to help spread the word about the benefits of flying among the disabled community.

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