Acknowledgements: AIR FACTS
A properly executed go-around is one of the best
accident avoidance procedures available, even though it is
one of the least used. If a go-around is not properly executed, however, it can
result in an accident.
Official reports
concerning go-around accidents frequently cite pilot indecision as a cause. What usually happens however is pilot fixation - trying to make a bad landing good, resulting in a late
decision to go-around.
Delay costs valuable runway stopping distance and causes
loss of valuable altitude as the approach continues. If there is any question
about making a safe touchdown and roll-out, take the aircraft around - and do
it early. Treat the go-around as a normal procedure, not an abnormal or
emergency action.
Experienced pilots always determine in advance a go-around
point on the runway. If they have not touched down by that point, it is
go-around time. Follow these guidelines to execute a go-around:
• Power is the single most essential ingredient. Every precaution must
be taken to ensure that power is available when you need it. For example, be sure your mixture is leaned ahead of time, and employ full RPM on the prop.
• Planning ahead is another "must".
Know what you should do in case of trouble and where and when you should do it.
• On approach, always be prepared to go around. If in doubt, go around.
· Once you decide to go around, stick to your decision. Too many aircraft have been lost because a pilot
vacillated, changed his mind, and tried to land after all. First and foremost, fly the aircraft. Forget UNICOM, and
forget the passengers for the time being.
Make sure maximum available power is
applied and stays applied. Place the carb heat selector
in the off position (*Note: At at a high-density altitude airport you might need to include the use of carb heat as necessary)
• This is
your go-around checklist: power, pitch, fly the airplane, clean it up, and then
• On the
way around for another attempt, be especially sure to use
your landing checklist. A go-around is the best time for a
break in normal habit patterns. Stress occurs and normal tasks are out of
order. More than one pilot has landed gear-up after a go-around.
· Practice your
go-around procedures regularly, so that when you really do have to go around
you will be on top of the aircraft instead of the other way around!