Acknowledgements: AOPA AIR
Blog Editor’s Note: Safety in the air is paramount
but we sometimes need to be reminded of things with the potential to cause harm
at ground level, so here are a few thoughts provided by AOPA. I make no
apologies to our experienced pilot readers for re-stating the obvious!
the USA over a ten-year period 350 aircraft accidents occurred in the ramp
area. Only a few proved fatal, but over 80% caused damage to other aircraft and
property on the ground. In 18% of the accidents, death or serious injury
resulted from people walking into moving propellers. 62% of all ramp accidents
occurred during taxi, and most accidents
were the result of carelessness and/or lack of awareness.
on the ramp can come from many directions, so here are a few pointers to help
you anticipate danger and manage the risks.
Get the big picture: At an unfamiliar airport, research traffic flows around the taxi
and tie-down areas, and always keep a lookout for aircraft in motion. On
arrival, if you’re not sure where to park, radio the tower and ask. After
shutdown be careful walking in the ramp area, as there may be more traffic than
you’re used to.
Don’t rely on your ears: Ramp noise can mask danger. The sounds of aircraft in the
pattern, jets idling on the ramp, and noisy fuel trucks can be distracting, and
can keep you from hearing someone yell “clear!” or other warnings of impending
Look out below (and above): On the ramp tripping hazards abound, and the consequences can be
much worse than a skinned knee. But don’t fixate on the ground. Most of us
don’t expect to encounter many hazards at eye level and above, so it’s all too
easy to walk straight into aircraft wing or tail surfaces when not paying
Don’t be a litterbug: Foreign objects can damage aircraft, propellers, or jet engines.
Eating or drinking on the ramp are distractions, and often result in leftover
wrappers or cups which can be sucked into engines, or blown around by jet or
prop blast. Leave all trash in the building, and if you see something lying
around on the ramp, pick it up and throw it away.
Be careful in the car: If allowed to drive any vehicle on the ramp, remember that road
rules do not necessarily apply. On taxiways, drive along the centre-line to
remain visible and clear of parked aircraft. Drive slowly, and stop and look
before pulling out from buildings and other blind spots. Aircraft ALWAYS have the right-of-way over
vehicles except when the Tower has specifically instructed an aircraft to give
way to vehicle(s) on a runway or taxiway.
Pre-flight check: Distractions
can impact safety both on the ramp and during your upcoming flight. Unless
you’re giving a flight lesson, conduct the pre-flight without discussion or
interruption: You can explain things to passengers after you’ve finished.
Propellers: Avoid walking through the prop
rotation area except when checking the
blades, spinner, and air inlets. With piston aircraft, do not rotate the prop by hand unless you are prepared for the engine to
start. Numerous deaths and serious injuries
have resulted from hand-propping gone awry. Treat all propellers as though the
engine magnetos are HOT. Approach only after the ignition is OFF and the keys
are in your pocket. Hot magnetos happen when the P-lead breaks and the magneto becomes
ungrounded. This can cause an engine to start just from having the propeller
pulled through. To check for a hot magneto you should:
Just prior to shutdown, reduce power to idle
2. Slowly move the key through the Left, Right, and then OFF
positions. The RPM should drop at each magneto position and stop in the OFF
After the engine has shut down, pull the mixture to idle cut-off.
If the engine continues to
run in the OFF position, shut the engine down with the mixture and mark the aircraft as having a
hot magneto.
Jets and Helicopters: Never walk behind a running jet
aircraft, no matter how small the engines look. At high power settings, exhaust
from the engines on even the smallest jets can reach speeds near 200 mph. Jets have also been known to suck in loose
clothing, hats, and even unsuspecting humans from the front! Helicopter rotor
blades hang dangerously low when the aircraft is parked. Unless properly
trained or under the supervision of the flight crew, never approach a running
helicopter for any reason.
Passenger Safety: Every year, there are accidents where
passengers are seriously or fatally injured by walking into a prop. Remind
passengers to stay clear of any aircraft with a running engine, or with its
strobe or beacon lights on. It is a good idea to steer clear of aircraft
anytime pilots are in the cockpit, as there’s a good chance that the engine
will be starting soon. Once in the aircraft with the engine running, make sure
that nobody enters or leaves the aircraft without first shutting down the
down, look up, and look out!