Aerobility Return to Flight

We are as excited as everyone to be preparing to come out of lockdown. We just cannot wait to get you back in the skies.

As you will imagine, after such a long time with our aircraft on the ground, it will be a gradual process but nevertheless, it’s one we are so pleased to be starting.

So here is our plan and timings (assuming there is no necessary slide on dates from the Government):

  • 12th April: We will be able to provide check and currency flights to existing licence holders, that have previously flown with Aerobility. Numbers will be monitored for optimum safety. Our Chief Flying Instructor will maintain an active overview of bookings and will have the final say on a flight going ahead. Safety first!

  •  21st June: Normal service begins to resume, meaning we will be able to offer Experience Flights and Flight Training for all flyers including the use of the hoist and the inclusion of carers as passengers.

So please get in touch via now to register your interest in making a booking. If Government guidelines require us to change our timings, we will get in touch and reschedule the booking with you.

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