A message from our CEO re: COVID-19

Dear all,

We are aware of the current risks the Corona virus presents and as a team, we are ensuring we are following the NHS guidance by;

• washing hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

• using and making hand sanitiser gels available

• covering mouth and nose with tissue if coughing or sneezing

• staying home if we feel unwell

• all "high risk" areas in our office (e.g. door handles, taps, light switches etc.) are being cleaned regularly, and also our aircraft cockpits

• all staff, volunteers and visitors to our offices are being asked to avoid physical contact

We are monitoring updates and directives regularly and will communicate any changes that may affect those we work with as required. We are asking all visitors and participants to rigorously follow these guidelines.

Aerobility activities are continuing as planned, and this includes the Aerobility Aurora flight on Saturday. This being said, we are ready to cease all Aerobility activities, and invite staff and volunteers to work from home if required.

Thank you for your ongoing support in this matter.

Mike Miller-Smith

Aerobility Chief Executive

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