(Acknowledgements: CAA Infringement Tutorial)

“Airmanship is the consistent use of good judgment and well-developed skills to accomplish flight objectives. It is founded on uncompromising flight discipline, and developed through systematic skill, acquisition and proficiency.” (Tony Kern. 1996)

The Foundations of Airmanship have 3 main areas: Knowledge, Skills and Attitude:

1.    Knowledge

  • Aircraft knowledge comprises a thorough understanding of aircraft sub-systems, emergency procedures, cockpit automation, aircraft flight characteristics and operating limits.

  • The Environment including the physical, regulatory and organisational environments in which you are operating, for example, the current and forecast weather, airspace structure, available ATC facilities, topography of the area to be overflown etc…

  • Knowledge of Risk allows you to understand what the consequences or risks are of a reduction of discipline, skill and proficiency, knowledge, Situational Awareness, judgement, aircraft performance (equipment), and weather are to your aircraft and yourself.

2.    Skills

  • Physical Skills in aircraft handling, navigation, Instrument flying leading to handling of emergencies and recovery from,   and survival of, those situations. 

  • Cognitive Skills include understanding and maintaining situational awareness, the ability to problem solve and apply effective decision-making. In addition to managing workload, you must be capable of self-assessment, as in “Can I really say, I’m Safe?”’

  • I           ILLNESS          Am I well enough to fly?

  • M         MEDICATION    Have I side effects likely to affect my performance?

  • S          STRESS            Am I under pressure from time or travelling companions?

  • A          ALCOHOL        Have I less than 25% of the UK driving limit!

  • F          FATIGUE          Have had enough sleep, am I well rested?

  • E          EATING            Am I hungry or thirsty; Is my current l blood sugar-level OK?

  • Flight Deck Management Skills require avoiding over-reliance on automation through complacency and bias towards evolving technology. This will require not only self-discipline but also skill in managing information from a growing number of sources. 

  • Communication Skills require using clear and concise phraseology, listening to responses and actively monitoring third party communications.

  • Team skills may be less obvious but must include the “wider team” of other aircraft and ATC in addition to yourself and those with you. Performance monitoring, leadership, initiative, interpersonal skills, coordination and communications all play a part in airspace where a multiplicity of users operate.   

3.    Attitudes 

  • It is vital to understand the five main hazardous attitudes, and their antidotes:   

                      Hazardous Attitude                                                                      Antidote

Anti-Authority: “Regulations are for someone else”       “They are there for a reason, please adhere to them.”

Impulsiveness: “I must act now”                                            “TAKE 5” - Not so fast; Time permitting, think first”

Invulnerability: “It won’t happen to me”                              “It could happen to anyone”

Macho: “I’ll show you I can do it”                                           “If this goes wrong, can I justify it

Resignation: “What’s the use?”                                              “Never give up. There is always something I can do”

                                                                                           FLY SAFE!

Tony Birth